On Saturday, April 21, 2012, Westside Children’s Center will be hosting a community fair to celebrate the “Week of the Young Child” from 10:00am to 1:00pm. We are expecting approximately 300 children and families from WCC’s programs, our partner agencies and the larger community to attend. Children will enjoy arts and crafts, jump roping, a bouncer, and face-painting, while parents learn about the resources available to them in their community. Partner agencies include: Free Arts for Abused Children, UCLA Community Health and Advocacy Training Program for Pediatric Residents, Open Paths Counseling Center , and The Help Group.
WCC has been serving low-income and at-risk children for 25 years, providing child development and child welfare services to communities in southwest Los Angeles , including Culver City , Inglewood and Ladera Heights . WCC services include:
· Early education (0-5), including Early Head Start
· Child welfare (0-18), including family preservation, foster care and adoption
· Special needs screenings, referrals and advocacy (0-18)
· Health and mental health referrals
Come out and support the Westside Children's Center (WCC) as they host a community fair to celebrate National Week of the Young Child! WCC will be hosting a community fair for its families that will be filled with fun activities, fantastic performances and information about community services. Volunteers 16 and older are needed from 9AM-11:30AM and from 11:30AM-1:00PM If you are interested in volunteering at this wonderful event, please RSVP first to David Silverstein, Director at Action Agape at 310-348-1260 X1515, then contact Tivoli Sisko at 310-846-4100 ext: 6166
P.S. I’ve volunteered for D.A.R.E Afterschool Program, Free Arts for Abused Children, UNICEF and Read to Me L.A. at public libraries. I continue to be involved with many causes and non-profits like The American Diabetes Association, The American Heart Association and Let’s Move West L.A.
Ingrid Cheng
Making a difference everyday